Ardeola Bacchus

chinese pond heron


Bird Info

Chinese Pond Heron
Ardeola Bacchus

Basic information about Chinese Pond Heron
Size in CM 52-52 cm
Size in Inch 0-0 Inch
Primary color white     
Secondary color black       
(Bird may have more colors)
Chinese Pond Heron - Common Names in Different Languages
Language Name
bhojpuri लम्पुरा बकुला
french Crabier chinois
malayalam ചീന കുളക്കൊക്ക്

  IDENTITY: of Chinese Pond Heron

Chinese Pond-heron male, during breeding season, has slaty-black mantle and scapulars. Head, neck and breast are dark wine-brown with a slaty patch in lower breast. It has white wings and belly. In summer, legs and feet are pinkish. Bill is yellow with black tip, pale blue on the base of the upper mandible, and yellow lores. Eyes are yellow too. Female is paler than male on the nape, and lacks the grey patch on the breast. She also has shorter feathers. Adult male winter has dark brown mantle and scapulars, white wings and belly, and whitish head, nape and breast, heavily streaked with dark brown. Chin and throat are white. In winter, legs and feet are yellow. Bill is yellow on the lower mandible, yellowish-grey on the upper mandible, black tip and pale yellow lores. Eyes are yellow. Juvenile has brown plumage, streaked with buff and darker brown. Underparts are whitish streaked brown.


Chinese Pond-heron lives in wetlands, in shallow water, fresh or salt water, and also in ponds, flooded fields and mangroves.

  FOOD :

Chinese Pond-heron feeds on terrestrial insects, fishes and crabs, but it also consumes small amphibians, worms and aquatic invertebrates. According to the region, it feeds during the day, but mainly at dawn and dusk.


Presumably like that of Indian Pond.
Chinese Pond-heron is rather silent. It utters a call in flight, at dusk or when flushes. It is a hard "croak".

  INFO :

The Chinese pond heron (Ardeola bacchus) is an East Asian freshwater bird of the heron family (Ardeidae). Chinese Pond-heron is sedentary in India with only local dispersion. North populations are migratory. Chinese Pond-heron feeds by walking on the shore or standing motionless. It may forage as well during the day or at night. It is active at sunset and sunrise. It is a solitary bird sometimes seen in pairs or in small groups of 5-6 individuals.  It is one of six species of birds known as "pond herons" (genus Ardeola). It is parapatric (or nearly so) with the Indian pond heron (A. grayii) to the west and the Javan pond heron (A. speciosa) to the south and these three are presumed to form a superspecies. As a group they are variously affiliated with the squacco heron (A. ralloides) or the Malagasy pond heron (A. idae). As of mid-2011 there are no published molecular analyses of pond heron interrelationships and osteological data is likewise not analyzed for all relevant comparison taxa. The Chinese pond heron is typically 47 cm (19 in) long with white wings a yellow bill with a black tip yellow eyes and legs. Its overall colour is red blue and white during breeding season and greyish-brown and flecked with white at other times. It is found in shallow fresh and salt water wetlands and ponds in China and adjacent temperate and subtropical East Asia. Essentially a lowland bird its range is delimited by the subarctic regions in the north and by the mountain ranges in the west and south. The species is prone to some vagrancy. One individual in breeding plumage was seen by the river at Bonzon near Gangaw &ndash just inside the Chin State of Burma &ndash west of the species' usual range on April 8 1995. A stray bird stopping over on Saint Paul Island Alaska on August 4&ndash9 1997 was the first recorded occurrence of this species in North America. Its food consists of insects fish and crustaceans. The Chinese pond heron often nests in mixed-species heronries. It lays a clutch of 3&ndash6 blue-green eggs. It is fairly common and not considered a threatened species by the IUCN.

  Chinese Pond Heron की पहचान:

  आदत और पर्यावास:

  भोजन :

  आवाज़ :

  जानकारी :


    Resident (inc. local and altitudinal migrants)
    Former range (no recent records but may still survive)
    Summer visitor (including summer monsoon)
    Winter visitor
    Passage (autumn and/or spring) visitor
    known to be occasional, scarce or erratic
    Small isolated population (actual range smaller)  
    Isolated record(s) - one or more in the same area  
 colour coded for seasonality as per coloured ranges, black denotes unspecified season

वितरण नक्शा:

    निवासी (स्थानीय और ऊंचाई के प्रवासी)
    भूतपूर्व श्रेणी (कोई हालिया रिकॉर्ड नहीं है लेकिन फिर भी जीवित बचे हो सकते है)
    गर्मी के मुलाक़ाती(ग्रीष्मकालीन मानसून सहित)
    सर्दी के मुलाक़ाती
    यात्रा (शरद ऋतु और / या वसंत) के मुलाक़ाती
    सामयिक, दुर्लभ या अनिश्चित
    छोटी पृथक जनसंख्या (वास्तविक सीमा छोटी)  
    पृथक रिकॉर्ड - एक ही क्षेत्र में एक या अधिक  
 रंगीन मौसम, काला अनिर्दिष्ट मौसम दर्शाता है
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Chinese Pond Heron

chinese pond heron name in bhojpuri ?

The Bhojpuri name for Chinese Pond Heron is लम्पुरा बकुला

chinese pond heron name in french ?

In french, chinese pond heron is called Crabier chinois

chinese pond heron name in malayalam ?

The word for chinese pond heron in malayalam is ചീന കുളക്കൊക്ക്


Photos of chinese pond heron: