Gallinula chloropus

common moorhen


Bird Info

Common Moorhen
Gallinula chloropus

Basic information about Common Moorhen
Size in CM 32-35 cm
Size in Inch 13-14 Inch
Primary color brown     
Secondary color black       
(Bird may have more colors)
Common Moorhen - Common Names in Different Languages
Language Name
assamese পানীডাউক
bengali পাতি জলমুরগি
bhojpuri बोडोर
french Gallinule poule-d’eau
gujarati જળ કૂકડી, જળમુરઘી
hindi काली जलमुर्गी
malayalam പട്ടക്കോഴി
marathi काळी पाणकोंबडी
nepali बगाले सिमकुखुरा
sanskrit कृष्णा जलकुक्कुटी

  IDENTITY: of Common Moorhen

The common moorhen is medium sized bird with marked sexual dimorphism. The male bird is larger and measures 30 to 40 cm in length and weighs 250 to 500 grams. The female bird weighs 200 to 300 grams. The wingspan is 50 to 55 cm. These moorhen have black/dark brown plumage and white undertail. The frontal shield is red and in adults has rounded top. The tip of the bill is yellow. They have long legs and toes which are yellow in color.


The Common Moorhen frequents freshwater or brackish wetlands with fringing vegetation and brushy cover. It is found near ponds, slow rivers, marshes and lakes, and also in parks in urban areas.

  FOOD :

These moorhen species are omnivorous and feed on plant matter like algae, moss, the vegetative parts of reeds, aquatic plants, flowers, seeds, grass, shoots, berries, fruits and cereal crops. They also feed on small fish, invertebrates, aquatic insects, terrestrial insects, worms and mollusks.


The Common Moorhen utters a variety of sharp calls. We can frequently hear a low, rolling krrruck, a sudden short chuck, and a sharp kik or kittick. It gives a repeated fast clucking krek-krek-krek-krek often in flight, and mainly at night during spring. When they fight, the birds utter short clocking chatter.

  INFO :

The common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) is a medium sized water bird belonging to the crake and rail family Rallidae. The moorhen is distributed in Europe Africa Asia Indian subcontinent Southeast Asia Philippines and Indonesia.Except for polar regions and tropical rain forests it is found in most of the wetlands marshes and water bodies with thick vegetation. There are five recognized subspecies of the common moorhen. These rails are mostly brown and black with some white markings in plumage colour. Unlike many of the rails they are usually easy to see feeding in open water margins rather than hidden in reedbeds. They have short rounded wings and are weak fliers although usually capable of covering long distances. The common moorhen in particular migrates up to 2000 km from some of its breeding areas in the colder parts of Siberia. Those that migrate do so at night. The Gough moorhen on the other hand is considered almost flightless it can only flutter some metres. As common in rails there has been a marked tendency to evolve flightlessness in island populations. Moorhens can walk very well on their strong legs and have long toes that are well adapted to soft uneven surfaces. These birds are omnivorous consuming plant material small rodents amphibians and eggs. They are aggressively territorial during the breeding season but are otherwise often found in sizeable flocks on the shallow vegetated lakes they prefer.

  Common Moorhen की पहचान:

  आदत और पर्यावास:

  भोजन :

  आवाज़ :

  जानकारी :


    Resident (inc. local and altitudinal migrants)
    Former range (no recent records but may still survive)
    Summer visitor (including summer monsoon)
    Winter visitor
    Passage (autumn and/or spring) visitor
    known to be occasional, scarce or erratic
    Small isolated population (actual range smaller)  
    Isolated record(s) - one or more in the same area  
 colour coded for seasonality as per coloured ranges, black denotes unspecified season

वितरण नक्शा:

    निवासी (स्थानीय और ऊंचाई के प्रवासी)
    भूतपूर्व श्रेणी (कोई हालिया रिकॉर्ड नहीं है लेकिन फिर भी जीवित बचे हो सकते है)
    गर्मी के मुलाक़ाती(ग्रीष्मकालीन मानसून सहित)
    सर्दी के मुलाक़ाती
    यात्रा (शरद ऋतु और / या वसंत) के मुलाक़ाती
    सामयिक, दुर्लभ या अनिश्चित
    छोटी पृथक जनसंख्या (वास्तविक सीमा छोटी)  
    पृथक रिकॉर्ड - एक ही क्षेत्र में एक या अधिक  
 रंगीन मौसम, काला अनिर्दिष्ट मौसम दर्शाता है
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Common Moorhen

common moorhen name in assamese ?

The Assamese name for Common Moorhen is পানীডাউক

common moorhen name in bengali ?

In bengali, common moorhen is called পাতি জলমুরগি

common moorhen name in bhojpuri ?

The word for common moorhen in bhojpuri is बोडोर

common moorhen name in french ?

common moorhen is referred to as Gallinule poule-d’eau in french.

common moorhen name in gujarati ?

In gujarati, common moorhen is known as જળ કૂકડી, જળમુરઘી

common moorhen name in hindi ?

The hindi name for common moorhen is काली जलमुर्गी

common moorhen name in malayalam ?

common moorhen is called പട്ടക്കോഴി in malayalam.

common moorhen name in marathi ?

The marathi name for common moorhen is काळी पाणकोंबडी

common moorhen name in nepali ?

In nepali, common moorhen is called बगाले सिमकुखुरा

common moorhen name in sanskrit ?

The sanskrit term for common moorhen is कृष्णा जलकुक्कुटी


Photos of common moorhen: