slavonian grebe
Bird Info
Slavonian Grebe
Podiceps auritus
Basic information about Slavonian Grebe
Size in CM | 31-38 cm |
Size in Inch | 0-0 Inch |
Primary color | gray |
Secondary color | white (Bird may have more colors) |
Slavonian Grebe - Common Names in Different Languages
Language | Name |
french | Grèbe esclavon |
tamil | கொண்டை முக்குளிப்பான் |
IDENTITY: of Slavonian Grebe
Both adults are similar. The adult in breeding plumage has blackish-brown upperparts and hindneck, including wings and tail, but the secondary flight feathers are white. The underparts are bright reddish on breast and flanks. The belly is white. The underwing is whitish. The head is black with reddish forehead and lores, and conspicuous golden tufts. The black head feathers can erect, forming a ruff on the sides of the head. The bill is straight and black. The eyes are bright red. Legs and feet are black. The adult in winter plumage is black and white. Forehead, crown, hindneck and upperparts are blackish. The underparts, cheeks and head sides are white. The flanks can be greyish or streaked grey. Some birds may have transitional plumage in spring, with some reddish on head and neck. The juvenile resembles the adult in winter, with indistinct separation between the black head and the white face, and it has browner plumage.
The Horned Grebe frequents freshwater lakes with emergent vegetation during the breeding season, and also pools and marshes with some open patches, and parts of large lakes and rivers. It becomes mostly marine in winter, and can be seen in sheltered coastal bays and estuaries. In the southern parts of the breeding range, it also occurs on large lakes.
Horned grebes dive underwater using their large feet for agile manoeuvrability to feed on aquatic arthropods, fish and crustaceans. They will also catch airborne insects on the water's surface. Underwater they swallow or capture large prey and re-emerging at the surface to manipulate the fish headfirst. They usually feed solitarily or in small groups of up to 5 individuals. During the summer, aquatic and airborne arthropods are preferred, whereas winter selection favours fish and crustaceans.
The horned grebe has a unique adaptation for swallowing fish whole. They will eat their own feathers from a young age, so that their stomach has a matted plug that functions as a filter to hold fish bones until digestion.
The Horned Grebe is usually silent outside the breeding season. During this period, it utters repeated plaintive rattling "joarrrh", and a loud, nasal trill given in series, with each phrase falling and dying away "dji-ji-ji-ji-ji-ji-ji-ji-ji-ji-ji-jrrh".
The horned grebe or Slavonian grebe (Podiceps auritus) is a relatively small waterbird in the family Podicipedidae. There are two known subspecies: P. a. auritus which breeds in the Palearctic and P. a. cornutus which breeds in North America. The Eurasian subspecies is distributed over most of northern Europe and the Palearctic breeding from Greenland to western China. The North American subspecies spans most of Canada and some of the United States. The species got its name from large patches of yellowish feathers located behind the eyes called "horns" that the birds can raise and lower at will. Horned grebes can be easily recognised by its red-and-black alternate (breeding) plumage its black-and-white basic (non-breeding) plumage and its characteristic "horns". It is 31&ndash38 cm long has a wingspan 55&ndash74 cm wide and weighs 300&ndash570 g. It has a moderately long neck flat forehead and a rear crown of black feathers. Its beak is straight and pointy with a white tip. Both subspecies are physically similar with P. a. auritus (Palearctic) appearing darker than P. a. cornutus (North America) which has light grey feathers on its back which are inconspicuous or absent in P. a. auritus. The horned grebe is often confused with the black-necked grebe which is similar in size and colouring but differentiates by a steeper forehead a more slender bill and a fluffier rump. The alternate (breeding) plumage of the horned grebe has bright erectable "horns" black fan-shaped cheek feathers and an overall red-and-black colour. The neck flanks lores and upper-chest are chestnut brown while the crown and back are black. The belly is a dull white. Males are slightly larger and brighter than females but are generally indistinguishable. The basic (non-breeding) plumage is overall black and white. The neck chest and cheeks are white while the back and crown are a dull black-grey. The border between the crown and the cheeks extend in a straight line behind the eyes. The basic plumage does not have the "horns". Juveniles appear similar to a non-breeding adult except they are a slightly duller shade of white and their back is tinged with brown. The line separating the cheeks and crown is less distinct and their beak is paler. The chicks are fluffy with a dull grey back a white belly and interesting black-and-white facial striping.