Hirundo smithii

wire tailed swallow


Bird Info

Wire Tailed Swallow
Hirundo smithii

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Basic information about Wire Tailed Swallow
Size in CM 14-14 cm
Size in Inch 6-6 Inch
Primary color white     
Secondary color blue       
(Bird may have more colors)
Wire Tailed Swallow - Common Names in Different Languages
Language Name
bengali তারলেজা আবাবিল
gujarati લેસર અબાબીલ
kannada ತಂತಿಬಾಲದ ಕವಲುತೋಕೆ
french Hirondelle à longs brins
malayalam കമ്പിവാലൻ കത്രിക
marathi तारवाली पाकोळी, तारवाली भिंगरी, काडीवाली भिंगरी
punjabi ਤਾਰਪੂੰਝਾ
nepali सुइरोपुच्छ्रे गौंथली
tamil கம்பிவால் தகைவிலான்

  IDENTITY: of Wire Tailed Swallow

Glistening steel-blue above chestnut cap unmarked, pure white underbody distinctive two long, wire-like projections (tail-wires) from outer tail feathers diagnostic. Solitary or small parties almost always seen around water, either perched on overhead wires or hawking insects in graceful, acrobatic flight, swooping and banking often flies very low, drinking from the surface roosts in reed beds and other vegetation, often with warblers and wagtails.


open areas, cultivation, habitation, mostly in vicinity of canals, lakes, rivers. also wet paddy-fields in summer.

  FOOD :

Diet includes flies (Diptera), beetles (Coleoptera), bugs (Hemiptera), butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera), mayflies (Ephemeroptera), etc.


A twittering song; calls include a double chirrik-weet, a chit-chit contact call and a chichip-chichip alarm call.

  INFO :

The wire-tailed swallow (Hirundo smithii) is a small passerine bird in the swallow family. It has two subspecies: H. s. smithii which occurs throughout Africa and H. s. filifera which is found in southern and southeastern Asia. It is mainly resident but populations in Pakistan and northern India migrate further south in winter. The genus name Hirundo is the Latin word for swallow. The species name smithii commemorates Christen Smith a Norwegian botanist and geologist. The wire-tailed swallow is a small swallow measuring 18 cm (7.1 in) in length. It has bright blue upperparts bright white underparts and a chestnut cap. Immature birds lack tail wires and have dull brown (rather than chestnut) caps. The species is named for the very long filamentous outermost tail feathers which trail behind like two wires. The sexes are similar in appearance but the female has shorter "wires". Juveniles have a brown crown back and tail. The Asian form H. s. filifera is larger and longer-tailed than the abundant African H. s. smithii. This bird is found in open country near water and human habitation. Wire-tailed swallows are fast flyers and they generally feed on insects especially flies while airborne. They are typically seen low over water with which they are more closely associated than most swallows. The neat half-bowl nests are lined with mud collected in the swallows' beaks. They are placed on vertical surfaces near water under cliff ledges or more commonly on man-made structures such as buildings and bridges. The clutch is three to four eggs in Africa up to five in Asia (Turner and Rose). These birds are solitary and territorial nesters unlike many swallows which tend to be colonial. 

  Wire Tailed Swallow की पहचान:

  आदत और पर्यावास:

  भोजन :

  आवाज़ :

  जानकारी :


    Resident (inc. local and altitudinal migrants)
    Former range (no recent records but may still survive)
    Summer visitor (including summer monsoon)
    Winter visitor
    Passage (autumn and/or spring) visitor
    known to be occasional, scarce or erratic
    Small isolated population (actual range smaller)  
    Isolated record(s) - one or more in the same area  
 colour coded for seasonality as per coloured ranges, black denotes unspecified season

वितरण नक्शा:

    निवासी (स्थानीय और ऊंचाई के प्रवासी)
    भूतपूर्व श्रेणी (कोई हालिया रिकॉर्ड नहीं है लेकिन फिर भी जीवित बचे हो सकते है)
    गर्मी के मुलाक़ाती(ग्रीष्मकालीन मानसून सहित)
    सर्दी के मुलाक़ाती
    यात्रा (शरद ऋतु और / या वसंत) के मुलाक़ाती
    सामयिक, दुर्लभ या अनिश्चित
    छोटी पृथक जनसंख्या (वास्तविक सीमा छोटी)  
    पृथक रिकॉर्ड - एक ही क्षेत्र में एक या अधिक  
 रंगीन मौसम, काला अनिर्दिष्ट मौसम दर्शाता है
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Wire Tailed Swallow

wire tailed swallow name in bengali ?

The Bengali name for Wire Tailed Swallow is তারলেজা আবাবিল

wire tailed swallow name in gujarati ?

In gujarati, wire tailed swallow is called લેસર અબાબીલ

wire tailed swallow name in kannada ?

The word for wire tailed swallow in kannada is ತಂತಿಬಾಲದ ಕವಲುತೋಕೆ

wire tailed swallow name in french ?

wire tailed swallow is referred to as Hirondelle à longs brins in french.

wire tailed swallow name in malayalam ?

In malayalam, wire tailed swallow is known as കമ്പിവാലൻ കത്രിക

wire tailed swallow name in marathi ?

The marathi name for wire tailed swallow is तारवाली पाकोळी, तारवाली भिंगरी, काडीवाली भिंगरी

wire tailed swallow name in punjabi ?

wire tailed swallow is called ਤਾਰਪੂੰਝਾ in punjabi.

wire tailed swallow name in nepali ?

The nepali name for wire tailed swallow is सुइरोपुच्छ्रे गौंथली

wire tailed swallow name in tamil ?

In tamil, wire tailed swallow is called கம்பிவால் தகைவிலான்


Photos of wire tailed swallow:

Photo by:  

Location: Khorana, Rajkot, Gujarat