Chrysomma sinense

yellow eyed babbler


Bird Info

Yellow Eyed Babbler
Chrysomma sinense

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Basic information about Yellow Eyed Babbler
Size in CM 18-18 cm
Size in Inch 7-7 Inch
Primary color brown     
Secondary color white       
(Bird may have more colors)
Yellow Eyed Babbler - Common Names in Different Languages
Language Name
marathi चिपका
nepali तामे घाँसेभ्याकुर
sanskrit पीतनयन गुपिल
tamil மஞ்சள் கண் சிலம்பன்
bengali হলদে চোখ ছাতারে
french Moupinie aux yeux d'or
gujarati ભારતીય પીળી આંખવાળુ લલેડુ, પીળી આંખ લેલુંમ
malayalam മഞ്ഞക്കണ്ണി ചിലപ്പൻ

  IDENTITY: of Yellow Eyed Babbler

The yellow-eyed babbler is about 18 centimetres (7.1 in) long with a short bill and a long graduated tail. The body above is brown and the wings are cinnamon coloured. The lores and supercilium are white and the rim of the eye is orange-yellow in adult birds. The beak is black. The underside is whitish buff. The central tail feathers are about twice as long as the outermost. The sexes are indistinguishable in the field.


Tall grass and bushes

  FOOD :

insects, larvae; also flower nectar.


Song a variable, rapid twittering trill tri-rit-ri-ri-ri-ri ending in a two-noted toway-twoh.

  INFO :

The yellow-eyed babbler (Chrysomma sinense) is a passerine bird native to South and Southeast Asia. It inhabits shrubland grassland and wetland habitats. On the IUCN Red List it is listed as Least Concern because of its wide distribution and stable population. Its common name refers to the traditional placement in the Old World babbler family Timaliidae although the genus Chrysomma forms a clade along with the parrotbills and Sylvia warblers within the family Sylviidae. The yellow-eyed babbler is about 18 centimetres (7.1 in) long with a short bill and a long graduated tail. The body above is brown and the wings are cinnamon coloured. The lores and supercilium are white and the rim of the eye is orange-yellow in adult birds. The beak is black. The underside is whitish buff. The central tail feathers are about twice as long as the outermost. The sexes are indistinguishable in the field. Within its wide distribution range there are some differences in plumages between populations that have been considered as subspecies. The nominate subspecies is found in Burma Laos and Thailand. The population in Sri Lanka nasale has black nostrils and a stouter bill. The population across much of India hypoleucum has yellow nostrils (as with the nominate subspecies) and is paler in plumage. The population in the northeast Duars of India has an almost slaty crown and darker wings and has been called as saturatius or saturatior but this is considered as clinal variation and included in the nominate population. The range of the yellow-eyed babbler extends from Pakistan through India Nepal Sri Lanka to Bangladesh Myanmar Thailand Laos Viet Nam and China. The usual habitat is grassy or thorny scrub both in dry and wet regions as well as farmland. It occurs mainly on the plains but also in the lower hills 1200 m. It is absent in the dense forest region of the Western Ghats and occurs only on the eastern edges or in gaps such as at Palghat.

  Yellow Eyed Babbler की पहचान:

  आदत और पर्यावास:

  भोजन :

  आवाज़ :

  जानकारी :


    Resident (inc. local and altitudinal migrants)
    Former range (no recent records but may still survive)
    Summer visitor (including summer monsoon)
    Winter visitor
    Passage (autumn and/or spring) visitor
    known to be occasional, scarce or erratic
    Small isolated population (actual range smaller)  
    Isolated record(s) - one or more in the same area  
 colour coded for seasonality as per coloured ranges, black denotes unspecified season

वितरण नक्शा:

    निवासी (स्थानीय और ऊंचाई के प्रवासी)
    भूतपूर्व श्रेणी (कोई हालिया रिकॉर्ड नहीं है लेकिन फिर भी जीवित बचे हो सकते है)
    गर्मी के मुलाक़ाती(ग्रीष्मकालीन मानसून सहित)
    सर्दी के मुलाक़ाती
    यात्रा (शरद ऋतु और / या वसंत) के मुलाक़ाती
    सामयिक, दुर्लभ या अनिश्चित
    छोटी पृथक जनसंख्या (वास्तविक सीमा छोटी)  
    पृथक रिकॉर्ड - एक ही क्षेत्र में एक या अधिक  
 रंगीन मौसम, काला अनिर्दिष्ट मौसम दर्शाता है
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Yellow Eyed Babbler

yellow eyed babbler name in marathi ?

The Marathi name for Yellow Eyed Babbler is चिपका

yellow eyed babbler name in nepali ?

In nepali, yellow eyed babbler is called तामे घाँसेभ्याकुर

yellow eyed babbler name in sanskrit ?

The word for yellow eyed babbler in sanskrit is पीतनयन गुपिल

yellow eyed babbler name in tamil ?

yellow eyed babbler is referred to as மஞ்சள் கண் சிலம்பன் in tamil.

yellow eyed babbler name in bengali ?

In bengali, yellow eyed babbler is known as হলদে চোখ ছাতারে

yellow eyed babbler name in french ?

The french name for yellow eyed babbler is Moupinie aux yeux d'or

yellow eyed babbler name in gujarati ?

yellow eyed babbler is called ભારતીય પીળી આંખવાળુ લલેડુ, પીળી આંખ લેલુંમ in gujarati.

yellow eyed babbler name in malayalam ?

The malayalam name for yellow eyed babbler is മഞ്ഞക്കണ്ണി ചിലപ്പൻ


Photos of yellow eyed babbler:

Photo by:  

Location: Vankaner, Gujarat